[捐助] 軟餐俠 Loads of love 軟餐便當捐贈計劃 Captain Softmeal "Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Donation Initiative"!



【 Loads of love 軟餐便當捐贈計劃 】 大家可以港幣$380支持【 Loads of love 軟餐便當捐贈計劃 】,由軟餐俠為患有吞嚥困難的有需要長者送贈 2 份軟餐便當。透過參與計劃,捐助者不僅支持這些弱勢社群,也促進長者可以享有有尊嚴的用餐體驗。爲表謝意,捐助者將會收到一份電子證書,以感謝他們的慷慨捐贈。 與我們一起透過軟餐便當,傳播愛心與關懷,改善長者生活質素,維護長者有尊嚴飲食。 In this initiative, donors contribute $380 to provide 2 softmeal bento boxes to elderly individuals in need, especially those facing swallowing difficulties. By participating, donors not only support these vulnerable individuals but also promote dignity in dining experiences for the elderly. As a token of appreciation, donors will receive an e-certificate acknowledging their generous contribution. Join us in spreading love and care through nourishing meals, making a meaningful impact in the lives of those who need it most while fostering dignity in dining for the elderly. 【 Loads of love 軟餐便當捐贈計劃 】 詳情: 每張「Loads of love 軟餐便當禮券卡」價值: $380,可兌換2個軟餐便當 *購買完成後,我們會於5個工作天內以電郵通知及發出電子證書。 【 Loads of love 軟餐便當捐贈計劃 】使用條款及細則: 1. 「Loads of love 軟餐便當禮券卡」可兌2盒軟餐便當,當作港幣380元使用。 2. 「Loads of love 軟餐便當禮券卡」由本社企代為轉贈有需要的人士使用。 3. 捐贈「Loads of love 軟餐便當禮券卡」不可供退稅之用。 4. 請留意The Project Futurus / 軟餐俠網站及資訊平台資訊更新或聯絡顧客服務熱線6061 8830。如有更改,恕不另行通知。 5. 如有任何爭議,The Project Futurus Limited保留最終之決定權。 項目編號:PF030004 【Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Donation Initiative】Details: Each "Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Gift Voucher" is valued at $380 and can be redeemed for 2 softmeal bentos. *Upon purchase completion, we will notify you via email and issue an e-certificate within 5 working days. 【Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Donation Initiative】Terms and Conditions: 1. The "Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Gift Voucher" can be redeemed for 2 boxes of softmeal bentos, equivalent to HK$380. 2. The "Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Gift Voucher" will be donated to individuals in need through our organization. 3. Donations made with the "Loads of Love Softmeal Bento Gift Voucher" are not eligible for tax deductions. 4. Please stay updated with information on The Project Futurus / Softmeal Hero website and information platforms, or contact our customer service hotline at 6061 8830. Any changes will be made without prior notice. 5. In case of any disputes, The Project Futurus Limited reserves the right to make the final decision. Project Number: PF030004

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